НІТ у викладанні англійської мови (3 курс)
Хоруженко А.О.
Выслал: Khoruzhenko Anna (3 февраля 2004г.)
Матеріал містить робочу програму, лекції, лабораторні роботи і питання до заліку.

Призначено для студентів 351 групи інституту іноземної філології

НІТ у викладанні англійської мови (3 курс)

Lecture 1.
New Informational Technologies in Education
Lecture 1.doc

Laboratory work 1-2.
Using Text Tools in the Modern Foreign Languages Classroom

Lecture 2.
Basic Notions of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
Lecture 2.doc

Laboratory work 3.
Using PowerPoint for Whole-Class Teaching

Examples of presentations
Bureau de Change2.ppt

Lecture 3.
Here's the lecture for you to download about computer hardware and software: what the language teacher needs to know.
There's no Word here in the house, where I live in, so I had to apply my skills in writing simple web-pages in html. So you have it in .html format. But in the office, where I work I'll have Word. So I hope next lecture will be in Word.
Lecture 3.html
After downloading and reading this lecture go to the Forum on this site and answer some question about the lecture.
After that, please send me you laboratory works #1-3 to my e-mail address here: Khoruzhenko@canton.edu.
If you haven't finished them yet you have time to do this today.
I have also posted a message for you about my visit to the USA with some pictures:))))

Lecture 4.
Analyzing educational computer programs for ESL.
Lecture 4.doc

Laboratory work 4.
Analyse any computer program for studying English on CD using the following plan:
Plan of analysing computer programs.doc
* Do the lab work individually: one analysis - one student.

Lecture 5.
Interactive computer programs in learning English.
Lecture 5.doc

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НІТ у викладанні англійської мови (3 курс)
(Практические занятия)
Дата изменения:
6 января 2010г., 1:52 PM
Всего оценок: 0

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